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Cyber Consumer Law

Editura Humanitas

Cristina Coteanu, Cyber Consumer Law

În colecția în afara colecţiilor

Whilst consumer protection in the 1960s was fashioned by its external environment, cyber consumer protection, today, is challenged by internal conditions linked to the technological nature of the Internet. Given the current underdeveloped state of technology now available to consumers, it is impossible for them to exercise real control over the technological issues of the electronic marketplace. The peculiarities of the electronic marketplace and their impact on consumer protection require continuity in the formulation of a law adapted to suit the new needs of consumer protection. Meanwhile, determining the rationales of cyber consumer law, identifying new areas of unfairness in the B2C commercial relationship and exploring the need to provide solutions for the inadequacy of cyber consumer law, represent some of the major issues which would determine the way in which the legal community will design the future architecture of consumer law. This offer is a "one-off" opportunity since it concerns the liquidation of a few remaining copies of Dr.Coteanu's doctoral thesis at Leiden University.
Despre Cristina Coteanu

Doctor in drept (Universitatea Leiden), licentiata magna cum laude in drept european (Université Libre de Bruxelles), licentiata magna cum laude in drept international (Université Libre de Bruxelles), licentiata magna cum laude in relatii internationale (si diplomatie) la Universitatea Sophia Antipolis Nice, avand un master cum laude in management public la prestigioasa scoala de management - Solvay Business School, ea a fost avansata la rangul MPhil (grad doctoral) la Queen Mary College of the Unversity of London. Ea este licentiata a Facultatii de drept, Universitatea Al I Cuza din Iasi cu o diploma de merit. Cristina este autor al unor carti si articole in domeniul dreptului european precum si editorul unor carti pe tematica cooperarii juridice si judiciare, comertului electronic, dreptului concurentei, comertului electronic si restructurarea societatilor etc. A fost prima in Romania care a publicat in 1993 articole, anchete si o teza de masterat cu privire la integrarea Romaniei in UE. Ultima ei carte a fost recunoscuta international prin acordarea unui premiu international din partea International Association of Consumer Law 2003.(Canada). Publicatii : Cyber Consumer Law. State of Art and Perspectives, Editura Humanitas/Meijers Institute, 2005, Articole publicate in jurnale romanesti in 2005: -The end of history versus the Great Europe (Sfarsitul Europei versus Marea Europe) -Diplomacy into a logic of "open doors" (Diplomatia intr-o logica a usilor deschise) -National interest and European Union : tout est dans la maniere (Interesul national si UE : tout est dans la maniere) -All changes because nothing is changing (Totul se schimba pentru ca nu se schimba nimic) -Do we like women in politics and diplomacy? (Ne plac femeile in politica sau diplomatie ?) -The Lord of the Rings and European funds (The Lord of the Rings si fondurile europene) - In cautarea Occidentului in diplomatia si politica romaneasca - A book to be published by Humanitas, Bucharest, 2006 -Rationales for Cyber Consumer Protection - Online Contracts and Online Dispute Resolution in "Choice and Risk in Consumer Society", Kluwer 2005, 35 pagini -"Cyber Consumer Protection: Unfair Commercial Practices", (book "Ashgate", London, 2004) about 300 pages -Legal framework of the electronic commerce, (forthcoming book, Edition Pratiques du droit communautaire, Bruylant, Brussels, 2005) about 200 pages Martindale-Hubbell Law Digest - Articles on environment law, intellectual property, commerce and trade - EU, 2003 -Electronic Payment Systems under the watchful eye of consumer, World Internet Report, London, March 2001 -CyberConsumer Protection - under the watchful eye of the law, Observatoire de la Finance, Switzerland, September 2001 -Consumer Law and the Internet, European Law Journal, Deloitte&Touche, November 2001 -Le role du juge dans le contentieux europeen et americain? American Bar Association, 1999 (25 pages) Etude de faisabilite sur le developpement futur de l'Observatoire et la redaction d'un programme de travail pluriannuel - projet du Ministere de la Region de Bruxelles-Capitale, 2002; EC study on property law and non-contractual liability law as they relate to contract law, Institute of European Studies, ULB, 2002 Contributii la ABA Judicial Reform Survey in Central and Eastern Europe, 1999 (20 pages) -"Harmonisation of laws - Directive 77/799/EEC" - Mutual assistance by the authorities of the Member States in the field of direct taxation - Spontaneous exchange of information in Case C-420/98, Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) 13 April 2000, Deloitte&Touche, International Tax Newsletter -Commission proposes the creation of a Community Patent, European Update, Deloitte&Touche No 4/2000, Teamtime, vol 77(October 2000) -Electronic Payment Systems, Teamtime, European Commission, vol 79 (Decembre 2000) -Services of general interest in Europe, European Commission, Teamtime, vol 78 (November 2000) Different brief articles and press releases on "The modernization of the rules implementing articles 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty" - InfoEurope - legal journal, Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Union Editor of a book on "Judicial competence, recognition and enforcement of judgments in Europe in commercial and civil matters. Towards a European enforcement order" Warsaw, 1998 Editor of a book on " Immigration and Asylum in Europe", within the framework of the Odysseus Programme, Thessaloniki, 1999 Editor of a legal journal "Central and Eastern European countries", (30 pages) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Les accords europeens entre les pays de l'Europe centrale et orientale, Rapport publie par la Delegation de la Commission europeenne aupres de la Roumanie, 1996 Aspects juridiques de l'integration des pays de l'Europe centrale et orientale,Thesis under the supervision of Professor J. Rideau, author of codes (Code of European Law Procedures), Library, Universite de Nice Etude sur les droits de la femme et le probleme de la pornographie dans certains pays de l'Union europeenne - Direction d'Etudes du Parlement europeen, 1994 La preuve des dommages et le lien de causalite dans les accidents d'origine nucleaire, Revue des Sciences Juridiques, 1996 Etude comparative sur la notion de faillite internationale dans la Convention europeenne - Conseil de l'Europe et dans le projet de Convention relative aux procedures d'insolvabilite, 1994 Quel nouvel ordre mondial ? Mythes et realite, Revue d'études internationales, No. 3- 4, 1994 Aspects de droit compare sur le contrat d'entreprise, Paris, Institut d'Etudes Humaines, May 1992

Alte Detalii
  • Categorie: carte
  • Titlu: Cyber Consumer Law
  • An apariție: 2005
  • Ediție: Editia I
  • Pagini: 336
  • Format: 16x24 cm.
  • ISBN: 973-50-1106-9
  • ISBN-10: 973-50-1106-9
  • Colecție: în afara colecţiilor
  • Autor: Cristina Coteanu

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Author spotlight

C.S. Lewis

pagina autorului

CLIVE STAPLES LEWIS (1898–1963) – romancier, poet, profesor universitar, medievist, critic literar, eseist, teolog laic şi apologet creştin – a fost unul dintre marii intelectuali ai secolului XX. A predat, între 1925 şi 1954, literatura engleză la Universitatea din Oxford (Magdalen College), precum şi, din 1954 până în 1963, literatură medievală şi renascentistă la Universitatea din Cambridge.


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